About the Founders

Rolf Muller, PhD
Rolf Muller, PhD
Rolf Muller is a biotechnology leader combining science and business knowledge to build and grow successful technology companies that further healthcare and the field of personalized medicine. He has structured and guided highly efficient multi-disciplinary research and commercial teams through funding, to product development, and successful product launch into global markets.
Judy Muller-Cohn, PhD
Judy Muller-Cohn, PhD
Judy Muller-Cohn, Ph.D. is a biotechnology leader moving scientific ideas to commercial products. She manages ground breaking technology to serve the growing need of the cancer diagnostic market. Previously, she founded, and for ten years was CEO, of a successful biotechnology company from idea to financing, product development, patenting, grant management, human resources, and business development.

We founded the MxC INNOVATION CENTER to give a homeĀ  to other entrepreneurs so that you can succeed in your endeavor to build a better world through innovation. With 30 years of experience in leading start-up companies from idea to impacting global markets we understand your needs and pains.